Soylent & Protein Powder Calculator

This calculator is for primarily for people lifting weights while using Soylent. If you know what your calorie and protein targets are, but need to know how much Soylent and Protein Powder you need to mix up, you're in the right place.

This should be pretty straight forward. Put in the values below, and hit 'Calculate' and you'll get how many grams of Soylent and Protein powder you should mix together to hit your calorie and protein needs. The values for Soylent 1.0 are already filled in for you, but you can change them if you're using a DIY or some other formulation.

Please don't judge the crappiness of this page. It's small, fast, free, and contains gratuitous Oxford Commas.

If there's another calculator you'd like to see, talk to CompulsionUF on reddit.

Soylent calories/g:
Soylent grams protein/gram: (100% = 1, 50% = 0.5, etc)
Protein Powder calories/g:
Protein Powder g protein/g: (100% = 1, 50% = 0.5, etc)
Target Calories/day:
Target Protein (grams)/day:

Grams Soylent Powder:  
Grams Soylent Oil:  
Grams Protein: